Love to get a snap of my WAM supplies! |
Summer is over technically, but here in SoCal it's still really really hot, which is perfect for sploshing. Last week Fetish Jade, Velvet Fox and I did a triple session with a young hottie who showed up in a nerd costume-glasses, a tie and dress shirt and tightie whities! We roleplayed that we were the bitchy popular girls, and lured him from the library our back yard to torture him with pies and ice cream.
We tied to him a tree, stripped him to his shorts and covered every inch of his body in chocolate syrup, whipped cream, pudding, eggs, canola oil and ice cream. Our nerd didn't get any studying done that afternoon!
What's better than being dominated by a hot chick? Domination by 3!
For live sessions, messy or otherwise, call (323) 903-7184 or email